Today I wore green pants. Why? Because I could. Now that I've been immersed in Greek culture and thrived, I decided to spice things up a bit. On one rainy afternoon, following a delightful latte with friends, Christine and I decided to explore and found an H&M. Some of you may be wondering why I went shopping in a store that I can find in any mall? The answer is simple; in Greece everything is better. Here, I found a pair of green pants. For some reason they called to me, and I bought them. I refuse to leave this country with regrets.
One of the many things this trip has taught me is to cherish the moment. Every second that goes by is another one lost; it can never be relived. In class today, we discussed Josephus, and read "For whatever the soul touches lives and blossoms, whatever it deserts withers and dies; so abundant is her immortality." Josephus believes that a soul is life; as long as you are alive, your surroundings are alive. After reading this quote, it encouraged me to question if I am truly alive.
In Greece, I flourish. I'm climbing mountains, exploring side-streets, running on the beach, talking to locals, making long-lasting friends and getting no sleep. This is easy to do when you're taking a class in another country, but what happens when I come back to Parkland? When I'm in class, d I value my education? When I practice, do I enjoy what I'm doing? When I'm working, do I appreciate the learning experience? Unfortunately, the answer isn't always yes, and it needs to change.
This semester is my last semester before student teaching. I only have four months left with the professors and colleges that positively impact my life. Reading in Josephus illuminated how I need to change my viewpoint on life. Yes, I am alive, but is my soul alive? Is it lighting up the world around me? When I return home, this will be my goal. I will think of life as more than a routine or chore and value every minute. By doing so, I will finish my undergrad with a happy heart and prosperous soul.
Life is a choice; live free, die hard. Wear green pants.
KATIE! This is amazing :) YAY!!!!!