Now that we've been here for one week, its hard for me to wrap my head around what has actually happened. Is this a dream? Am I really here? How can one day seem so long, but yet so short at the same time? Wait, I'm a tourist and a student at the same time? What time is it?! These are only some of the questions constantly going through my head.
Knowing the time is no longer an issue because I have accepted that I live in a time where cellphones are the new pocket-watch. Now that my cellphone is turned off, I carry around a portable alarm clock in my bag... Its fine, trust me. These solutions have solved many problems, but I still have yet to acknowledge what I'm seeing is actually a reality.
Today, day seven, eleven new friends and I went to the beach. This excursion included a 40 minutes tram ride (perfect for people watchers), getting confused by Greek gates, running through the sand, and watching the sun set. On a perfect day like today, I was able to reflect on how truly thankful I am to be on this trip and share memories with 19 amazing people. Watching yellow and orange slowly pain the sky is something that no money can buy and I had the privilege of sharing it with my classmates. I'm not sure if I'll ever accept that this trip is real because it has been the perfect dream. It has caused me to lose my head in a sea of beauty, history and wonder and I am fine with that. I am headless and content.
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